categories: Business & Professional Skills
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic
What is a conflict, when is the situation supposed to be a workplace conflict, what is the appropriate language you should use, and how to deal with this situation?
How and when to use the six conflict language fundamentals to resolve workplace conflict issues?
What steps do you need to follow using the conflict resolution process to ensure the problem and conflict between you and your coworker gets resolved?
Free lessons
Course Introduction
When is a Situation Considered a Workplace Conflict?
1. Workplace Conflict: Challenges or Opportunities?
Course Introduction
When is a Situation Considered a Workplace Conflict?
Is This a Conflict? - Case Studies
Conflict Language Fundamentals
1. Be Specific
2. Use ‘I’ Messages
3. Behavior Not Personality
4. Acknowledge the Point
5. Turn Facts Into Opinions
6. Talk Future Not Past
Conflict Resolution Process (Part 1)
Conflict Resolution Process (Part 2)
Course Wrap-up
Conflict is inevitable. We all face conflict situations at some point in our personal or professional lives. Different personalities do clash sometimes, whether it is workplace stress, poor leadership, or just different points of view. The reasons are countless. Is conflict good or bad? And when does a situation qualify to be a workplace conflict? Our mentor (Fadi Serry Eldin), with over 23 years of experience in training solutions design and delivery, will answer these questions. By the end of this course, you will not only have answers to these questions but will also have a solid step-by-step conflict resolution process to more successfully resolve workplace conflict and help you build a positive work environment.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Managing Director - Scitron Training
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