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categories: Soft Skills

Self Development
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

A-Z Leadership: Self-Leadership

Duration: 3 h 18 m / 37 lessons

Level: General

Course Language: Arabic

By the end of this course, you will be able to

  • Define leadership and its significance in this contemporary world, explore the evolving roles and responsibilities of leaders in various contexts.

  • Examine the team formation process, foster collaboration and cohesion within teams, and act as a leader during conflict resolution and challenging situations.

  • Explore the concept of emotional intelligence and its role in effective leadership. Conduct SWOT analysis and develop strategies for self-leadership.

Course details

  • 3 h 18 m/37 lessons
  • Last updated: 14/4/2024
  • 12 learning resources
  • Course completion certificate

Course Content

Free lessons


Team Formation Process

5 Minutes

How to Aspire for Excellence and Act During Conflict

3 Minutes

Why People Follow You!

4 Minutes

Vision Training

4 Minutes
learning resources

About this course

Leadership is a dynamic journey of self-discovery and empowerment. This course will empower you to become an effective and inspiring leader in today's fast-paced and competitive world. We will unravel the essence of leadership, explore team dynamics, delve into the intricacies of conflict resolution, nurture emotional intelligence, conduct a SWOT analysis, and embrace self-leadership guided by the Six Human Drives. Get ready to embark on a journey that will shape your leadership abilities and propel you toward excellence.

Course requirements and prerequisites

There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.


A-Z Leadership: Self-Leadership

Duration: 3h 18m / 37 lessons
Level: General
Course Language: Arabic