categories: Business & Professional Skills
Level: Specialized
Course Language: Arabic
Understand the basics and strategies of marketing research and its importance, and determine how to choose an appropriate research topic based on marketing needs.
Learn about the types of marketing research and learn to choose the appropriate research methodology (qualitative or quantitative) and learn about research tools such as opinion polls and content analysis.
Gain skills in analyzing marketing research data using data analysis tools and using artificial intelligence to analyze results.
Understand how to prepare comprehensive and effective reports that present marketing research results with practical examples and actionable recommendations.
Free lessons
What Is Research & How to Select a Topic?
Population & Sampling Types
AI in Marketing Research
1. Introduction to Marketing Research
Course Introduction
What Is Research & How to Select a Topic?
2. Research Structure
Literature Review
Research Questions & Hypotheses
Population & Sampling Types
3. Research Methodologies
Types of Research Methodology: Qualitative Methods
Types of Research Methodology: Quantitative Methods
How to Design a Questionnaire
Content Analysis
AI in Marketing Research
4. Results & Conclusion
Data Analysis & Reporting
Marketing Research Data Analysis Tools
Marketing Research Reporting Examples
Course Wrap Up
Marketing Research is an essential part of marketing strategies and an indispensable tool for understanding the market, reaching the target audience, analyzing customer behavior, and making effective decisions. The “Learn and Apply Marketing Research” course is specifically designed to provide marketers and business owners with the knowledge and skills that enable them to conduct effective marketing research using innovative scientific methods. The course focuses on explaining how to conduct marketing research, starting with identifying the concept of research and its importance, through how to choose the appropriate topic that serves marketing goals. You will also learn how to formulate accurate research questions and make realistic assumptions that are consistent with the nature of the research. The course also addresses the types of populations and samples that are studied, in addition to providing a comprehensive explanation of the types of marketing research, whether qualitative such as interviews and content analysis, or quantitative such as questionnaires and digital data analysis. You will also acquire the skills of designing opinion polls and analyzing data using modern tools while reviewing the role of artificial intelligence in developing marketing research. The course concludes by enabling learners to prepare professional reports in which the results and recommendations are presented in a clear and effective manner. Join us for this course and get a deeper understanding of marketing research tools and steps to help you make data-driven marketing decisions.
This course requires knowledge of marketing basics and marketing terms in English, in addition to your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning.
Senior Consultant & Trainer in Marketing
60 Learners
1 Course