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Mireille IshakMireille Ishak

Mireille Ishak

Senior Consultant & Trainer in Marketing







About Mentor

Mireille Ishak holds a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communications and a Master of Arts in Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo, she is a Senior Consultant & Trainer in Marketing. Ishak brings marketing knowledge, science, and professional experience from almost 25 years of marketing in various fields. Her marketing career was kicked off with 13 years in automotive, working for brands like Toyota, BMW, and ending with being the marketing manager for Kia. Moving to a more fast-moving item, she spent 6 years in the marketing of paints for Scib, taking the company to a whole new level of customer-friendly communication and catering directly to the needs of end consumers rather than just dealers and painters, leading the re-branding and identity change of Scib Paints to what it is today. A closer step to fast-moving goods was taken when Ishak joined the FMCG market for El Ahram Beverages for a totally new road of dark markets, where mass communication is not legally allowed and, therefore, efforts focused more on Below the Line activities (BTL), events, and direct marketing. Back to high-investment products, she filled the position of Vice President for Constructa Real Estate Development, enriching the real estate market with a lot of corporate and branding experience. In parallel to her business career, Ishak has been a Corporate Consultant and Trainer since 2019 when she joined Pinnacle for Consultancy and Development.




