categories: Education
What is the difference between superficial education and deep education? Understand the value of deep education as well as learning about education strategies.
What are the basic steps in reprogramming your thinking styles? Focusing and avoiding distraction, setting incentives, and the importance of internal motivation.
How to organize, exercise and avoid procrastination in your daily life in addition to taking simple steps towards a better, deeper learning experience
Free lessons
1. Deeper Learning
2. The Brain
3. Surface and Deep Learning
Surface and Deep Learning
Educational Strategies
Deeper Learning Outcomes
Spaced Repetition
4. Basic Steps
Modes of Thinking
Intrinsic Motivation
5. Closure
Sleep, Exercise, & Procrastination
Steps Towards Deeper Learning
Get the best out of your education by integrating 3 different areas of science, teaching methods, neuroscience and psychology for behavioural studies, all merging to form the "Educational Neirpscocience," a new and unique field. You will learn from this course how you can learn in a better way. It is suitable for all individuals; whether you are a student yourself or helping someone else learn, the course will provide you with the right tools you need to develop the learning process.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Pharmacist, Teacher, & Trainer
1,050 Learners
1 Course