3h 56m / 34 lessons
Customer Experience Management Diploma
Omnia Negm
1h 7m / 13 lessons
Understanding Your Banking Rights from A to Z
Muhammad ELSalamony
2h 28m / 25 lessons
Legal Guide for Entrepreneurs in Egypt
Abdullah Ellaithy
3h 10m / 26 lessons
Leading From the Heart & Managing With Innovation
Abdallah Sallam
1h 42m / 22 lessons
100 Essential Management Concepts (Mini-Course)
Ihab Fikry
1h 48m / 35 lessons
Stakeholder Management
Dr. Mina Magdy
Knowledge Management for the Work Team
Dr. Mohamed Abdelaziz
1h 23m / 19 lessons
Key Tactics for Successful Family Business
Dr. Nasser Mubasher
4h 8m / 23 lessons
Navigating the Economics Ecosystem for Thriving and Surviving Companies
Walid El Sherbiny
3h 36m / 37 lessons
Year One Quality: Principles of Total Quality Management
Dr. Mohammad Elsheikh
2h 16m / 23 lessons
Entrepreneurship & Freelancing
Ahmad Chami