categories: Parenting & Relationships | Kids Development
Everything about positive parenting including, but not limited to, its concept and paramount importance, objectives, basics, and its long-term impact.
How to perceive and understand the psychology of your children together with all about the concept of belonging, its importance, and impact on each one of them.
How to practice positive parenting and apply it in different life situations with children, which includes managing their anger and rectifying their mistakes.
Free lessons
Why Positive Parenting
Background of Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting Fundamentals - 1. Kind and firm
1. Why Positive Parenting
Why Positive Parenting
Background of Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting Fundamentals - 1. Kind and firm
Positive Parenting Fundamentals - 2. Belonging & Significance
Positive Parenting Fundamentals - 3. Social & Life Skills
Positive Parenting Fundamentals - 4. Discover Children Capabilities
Positive Parenting Fundamentals -5. Effective Long Term
Wrap up
2. Understand Child Psychology
Brain and Palm
Cooling Off
Belonging & Significance
Ice Berg
How to belong
How to feel significant
8 Pillars of Belonging & Significance
3. Practice Positive Parenting
Asking vs Telling
Feeling Control
Recovery of mistakes
Course Ending
Positive parenting tackles various skills such as relationships’ effectiveness, influence in life, self-discipline, and the ability to have self-control together with understanding personal feelings. It also enriches what develops positive feelings in children and gets rid of negatives ones. In this course, parents will learn all about modern positive parenting methods and objectives, understand the child's world, realize his needs, and how to deal with him in different situations effectively without accidentally nurturing wrong beliefs into the child's feelings and thinking.
There are no requirements for this course. Your interest in the topic and your commitment to learning are all you need to achieve the utmost benefit from this course.
Certified Positive Parenting Advisor
447 Learners
1 Course